7 Great Benefits of Low Flow Shower Heads

Low flow shower heads work by reducing how much water they use. This can help you save money and reduce your carbon footprint in the long run. Yes! With this bathroom appliance, you’ll get many more benefits.

In this article, we’ve covered low-flow shower head benefits with some other basics. Moreover, this article will make it clear why you should consider purchasing one for your home.


What Does Low Flow Mean in a Shower?

A low-flow shower head has a lower water flow rate(<2.0GPM) than a typical high-flow shower head (2.5gpm). It is used to reduce water waste in domestic or industrial infrastructures.

Shower heads with a 2.5 gallons per minute (GPM) flow rate are standard for most regions. The low-flow shower heads have a range of 1.5-1.75 GPM water flow. 

With this shower head, you can make your home more water-efficient by reducing the volume of water that is wasted. 

Shower heads clearly have no control over how long or lavish your shower would be. Still, they can assist in saving money on water heating as a relatively lower volume of water would be delivered for a standard shower time.

Recommended reading: How Does a Low Flow Shower Head Work?

What is the Ideal Flow Rate for a Shower Head?

Gallons Per Minute or GPM is another name for “flow rate,” which measures how many gallons of water exit your shower head every minute. 

Federal law has mandated the maximum flow rate for new shower heads to be 2.5 GPM since 1992. Thus, the ideal flow rate is considered 2.5 GPM, with a few exceptions. 

Some state and municipal governments impose considerably lower GPM flow rates than the federal rule to save resources and money. 

A maximum of 2.0 GPM is allowed in New York City and Colorado. And a capacity of 1.8 GPM is recommended in California, Washington, and Hawaii.

Low Flow Shower Head Benefits

A modern low-flow shower head complies with the EPA’s water efficiency rules and regulations. These shower heads save water and have many features that help create a more sustainable environment.

1. Pleasant Shower

Modern low-flow shower heads feature several stream options, allowing you to have a relaxing and pleasant shower. It comes with aeration and laminar flow options for convenience. 

Aerating is the process that combines water and air to produce a mist-like spray. The laminar flow has numerous streams of water for a soothing shower.

2. Ideal for Sensitive Skin

Most high-flow shower heads can cause a stingy sensation on the body, which is unpleasant if you have a skin condition.

According to Dermatologists, prolonged exposure to high-flow showers washes away the body’s natural oils making the skin dry and sensitive. The WaterSense labeled showerheads expressively eliminates these issues and are good for long-term usage for your skin.

3. Water Conservation

The math is very simple; compared to a high-flow shower head, using a low-flow shower head helps minimize approximately 60% of fresh water. 

Assuming, on average, you take a 5 minutes shower, making 12.5 gallons a day and 375 gallons of fresh water a month. This estimation is for a standard 2.5 GPM shower head. 

Using a low-flow shower head such as 1.5 GPM results in only 225 gallons of water a month. Hence, you can save up to 150 gallons of water a month.

4. Environment Friendly

A shower head with a low flow rate also minimizes carbon dioxide emissions. Since there is less demand for hot water, less energy is required, which reduces the quantity of CO2 released into the atmosphere.

5. Multifunctional

An advanced low-flow shower head compels with multiple WaterSense labeled features. One of these features allows you to select multiple stream types.

Besides, an integrated temperature control system in some shower heads minimizes using a heater to heat the water, saving energy. Some low-flow shower heads have aeration features that mix air (oxygen) with the stream to make it mistier for you. 

The built-in timer automatically shuts the shower after a certain amount of time. It helps you maintain a shower routine and avoid wastage of water effectively.

6. Saves Energy And Electricity

As a WaterSense-enabled product, a low-flow shower consumes less water. Consequently, heating the water will only need a small amount of electricity compared to the conventional shower head. 

As a result, you will need to pay a lot lesser electric bills at the end of the month.

7. Easy and Quick Installation

The connecting ports in the latest low-flow shower heads are universal to the host shower arms. Hence, installing a shower head will not require heavy tools such as a wrench or pliers. 

All you need is teflon tape. Wind it around the shower arm for 6-7 turns, and install the shower head right away.

Are Low flow shower heads worth it?


It is well worth the money to switch out your old shower head for a low-flow head (1.5/1.75 GPM). This decision will lower your monthly electricity bills and conserve a significant amount of fresh water, which is priceless in the global scenario. 

Water scarcity is an everyday occurrence in many southwestern US states, including Utah and California. Therefore, investing in a low-flow shower head will help you save water for future use. 

Furthermore, these low water-consuming shower heads result in a more eco-sustainable environment. It also has a variety of high technologies that make showering soothing, pleasant, and safe.

Recommended readingLow-Flow Vs High Flow Shower Heads

Cost of Low Flow Shower Head

The popular High Sierra shower head costs about $40. Additionally, some common low-flow shower heads with a price range of $20-$70 include Delta, Waterpik, and Bricor.

You can expend more than $170 on the Signature shower head for a more luxurious experience.

On a side note: There are lots of shower head brands available in the market which provide quality products with different price ranges. To get a shower head price guide, click here.


  • How much water does a low-flow shower head save?

When compared to a typical 2.5 GPM shower head, a low-flow shower head with a 1.5 GPM flow rate saves about 60% more water. Moreover, a shower head with a 1.75 GPM can save 40% more water each month than the usual shower head.

  • How much money does a low-flow shower head save?

Installing a newer performance WaterSense labeled shower head with 2.0 or lesser GPM could save you $25 per year if you heat with natural gas. Moreover, you can save $30-$50 annually if you have an electric water heater and a low-flow shower head.

  • How does a low-flow shower head save energy?

Since a low-flow shower head consumes 40–60% less water per shower, the heater would require significantly less electricity. Low-flow shower heads can save a considerable amount of electricity each month.

  • Do water-saving shower heads save money?

The low-flow shower head offers various financial benefits. It cuts the water used for each shower by 60%, saving money on the monthly water bill. Likewise, the electric bill is also decreased considerably.


Shower Head Placement Ideas

If considering building or remodeling your bathroom, you will always be compelled to install the best and standard-sized shower head. New and astounding showers are

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